Continuing a 100+
Years Family
Welcome to the Ferreira Homestead & Apiary web site. We aim to introduce homesteading and beekeeping to adults and children in order to promote self-reliance, pollinators, honey bees and beekeeping and in so doing, stewardship of the environment. In support of this mission, our seminars and mentorship programs help teach beginning homesteaders and beekeepers of all walks of life how to responsibly maintain their own homesteads and apiaries. Additionally we develop and maintain apiaries that can also serve as the location for hands-on and one-on-one beekeeping classes. Mr. Ferreira makes numerous presentations throughout the year on various aspects of beekeeping, honey bees, pollinators and more to groups, schools and beekeeping organizations both abroad and locally.
We also aim to support honey bees, wild bees and pollinators as well as improve their environment. The long term goal of our apiary is to develop a strain of bees that have increased genetic diversity and resistance to diseases & parasites. To this end, we collect swarms to diversify our gene pool, and use limited mite and disease treatments to allow the bees the time to develop their own resistance. We, also, have expanded the number and range of our bee yards to various locations, emphasizing adequate nutrition and variety of bee pasture in their selection. Our queen rearing and research apiary is located in Owensvill Indiana. Our production hives are located at other locations throughout Indiana, Kentucky and Connecticut. This highly productive and fertile region offers a dynamic interplay between beekeeping and agriculture.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not open to the public and are not a storefront. At this time we do not sell equipment or beekeeping supplies.

We have over 20 years of experience
Ferreira Homestead & Apiary was founded 20+ years ago by Mr. Ferreira, a 3rd generation beekeeper and Mrs. Ferreira in Waterbury Connecticut and now relocated to Owensville Indiana where he continues a 100+ years family tradition dating back to Mr. Ferreira's European Portuguese roots. Mr. Ferreira is a certified master beekeeper and is currently enrolled in the prestigious Cornell University Master Beekeeper Program where he is working on his second MBC.